

September 2024 
Year 3 multi-skills festival and year 4 tennis festival 

Later in September year 3 attended a multi-skills festival, in which they developed their skills across a variety of sports such as netball, football and rugby. They all demonstrated excellent teamwork skills and resilience, alongside having a great time!

  In January, year 4 travelled to Tarka tennis and had the opportunity to attend tennis festivals, in which they work alongside sports leaders from Park to develop their tennis skills.

September 2024
KS2 cross country festival
This year our first sporting experience was competitive cross country. All of our KS2 pupils thoroughly enjoyed the event and showed excellent resilience and sportsmanship. Some of our Year 3 pupils were particularly successful, as some ranked in to top 10.  
May 2024
KS1 sports festivals
This term our KS1 classes have attended two sports festivals. Year 2 travelled to Tarka tennis to take part in a tennis festivals with lots of other schools. They enjoyed playing lots of different games to support their tennis skills and pushed themselves to have a go at every activity. 
Following this year 1 travelled to Park Community School to take part in a multi-skills festival with other Barnstaple schools. They had a fantastic time and work incredibly hard to have a go at every activity. 
May 2024
Year 3 Cricket Festival
Year 3 headed to Park Community School to take part in a cricket festival. They all had a go at different activities designed to help them develop their batting and bowling skills. They had a fantastic time!
April 2024
Y5/6 Tag Rugby Competition
On Friday, our tag rugby team attended Barnstaple rugby clubs tag rugby competition. It was a fantastic day, the children had a great time putting all their training into action. The children even had the opportunity to attend a passing lesson with an Exeter Chief. They played incredible well and won several of their matches to reach the quarter finals! Well done all of you!
March 2024
Boys Football Qualifier
Our team of year 5/6 boys attended then boys Devon football qualifiers. They played incredibly well and reach third! Also it was wonderful to hear the boys being excellent sportsmen and team mates, they did us all proud!
March 2024
Park dance festival 
Some of our KS2 children had the opportunity to attend a jungle themed dance festival at Park secondary school. They had a fantastic time learning the chorography and working as a team. They also loved working with the Park and Petroc dance students, who helped them learn the routine. 
March 2024
Cross country success!
We are very proud to announce that a team representing Bishops Tawton school won in a local cross country competition! Well done boys, we are all very proud of you! 



Today our playground has been very busy with lots of year 3 and 4 children achieving their Level 1 Bikeability certificate. Level 1 takes place off-road, normally on the school playground. This means that children can learn in a traffic-free environment.

Maintain your cycle: make sure your ride is in tip-top condition and make simple repairs

Glide: smooth, calm and collected

Control your bike: including setting off, cruising, slowing down, braking and stopping. You’ll even learn to pedal one handed!

Pedal: without feeling wobbly or out of control

Be aware of your surroundings: looking behind and turning around obstacles.

Thank you to Ian and Kevin for their time today and we look forward to seeing them again later in the year when they return to teach our year 5 and 6 children.

February 2022


A group of year 5 and 6 children went to Park school on Wednesday to take part in the annual netball tournament. It is a great tournament organised by Chris Farr and the Park School sports leaders. It was lovely to see former Bishops Tawton pupils there helping to run the tournament and hearing how they loved attending when they were younger and how excited they are that now they have the opportunity to umpire, teach and encourage our children, which they did superbly. Annie, Chloe, Greta, Libby, Isla, Izzy, Max and William won 5 out of 6 matches and came 2nd in the North Devon Schools. They worked so well together and had great team spirit throughout all their matches. Thank you to Chris Farr, the sports leaders and Lisa for helping the event to go ahead, we appreciate the time it takes to organise these events and look forward to future events. There are photos from the netball in our gallery.

Devon Virtual Games
Well done to all the children who took part in the Devon Virtual Games over the lockdown, here are some of our medal winners.
Bishops Tawton Virtual Sports Day
This year we had to complete out Sports Day a little differently. There were 3 activities we had to complete; 50m sprint, 5m sock throw and standing long jump. Here are some pictures of us completing the sporting events at home!

Devon Virtual Games


As a school we have been taking part in the Devon Virtual Games whilst learning from home, here are some pictures of us completing the different events.

Volley Ball