At Bishops Tawton Primary School we strive to prepare children for life in modern Britain and keep them safe. We look to use every opportunity to promote these and ensure that these values are introduced, discussed and lived out through the ethos and work of the school.
The Department for Education introduced a statutory duty for schools to promote British Values more actively from September 2014, and to ensure they are taught in school.
- Democracy
- Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect
- Tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs
As a school we ensure children are exposed to experiences beyond the local community. This includes a range of visits, visitors to the school, taking part in sporting events and links with other schools.
Our school council members are elected via a democratic process; voted for by the children and adults.
Through Philosophy for children ideas are discussed and debated at length.
Children take ownership of their learning journey and evaluate their progress towards being an independent learner who is able to move confidently to their next stage in education.
Older children train to be play leaders and help to promote our core values.
We will actively challenge pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British values, including ‘extremist’ views.
‘The school is a real community, with links to the wider community. It has set my children up perfectly for life in the wider world.’ (Ofsted 2019)
Democracy |
Individual Liberty |
Rule of Law |
Mutual Respect |
Tolerance for those of different (including no) faiths & beliefs |