
Data Protection and Privacy

Website GDPR Page

from 25 May 2018


On the 25 May 2018, the UK’s Data Protection Act 1998 was replaced by a new law called the GDPR (the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016). This law governs how we collect, use and share people’s information and provides greater rights to individuals and control over how their information is handled by organisations, including schools.


We review and up date our processes around how we are handling your information. We will publish more information about how we are meeting the GDPR on this page as necessary. 


If you would like to know more about the GDPR and your rights, please visit the UK’s data protection regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office at www.ico.org.uk


Should you have any queries regarding the GDPR and our school, please email us: admin@bishopstawton-primary.org

Data Protection officer:

Alvin Scott


Information Requests (SARs) 
You are entitled to request information that the school holds on your child. Before putting in an information request please consider the reasons for this and what particular information you require, this will help with the process and enable us the manage the workload involved in collating any information. 
Please also check our complaints procedure to ensure that the school has done all they can to support your concern if you have one. If the request is for external reasons please arrange to speak with a member of the senior leadership team as they may be able to help you further. 
If you choose to make a subject access request there will be a window of time for us to collate the information and send to our Data protection officer. 
Your rights
Please refer to the privacy notice which explains the categories of information we hold, our reasons for processing it, who we share data with, our retention of data and your rights under data protection legislation.
If you are dissatisfied with how we have handled your request please let us know so that we can address any concerns you may have. If you remain dissatisfied after we have replied to your concerns, you may complain to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office. Information on how to do this is available at https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint
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