20.03.25 Measuring Beanstalks
This week in Maths we have been learning to use the words tall, taller, tallest, short, shorter, shortest. The chidlren measured each other by direct comparison and lined up in order of height. We compared beanstalks, ordered them and talked about which was the tallest, shortest etc. The children then tried to make the tallest beanstalk they could out of play dough.
The children have created their own Giant Heads and planted cress seeds for the hair, they can't wait to watch it grow!
The children thought of words to describe the giant in the story and wrote a poster to warn other villagers of him. They worked collaboratively to create collages of Giants by ripping and tearing paper and talked about what he looked, sounded, smelt and behaved like.
14.03.25 Jack and the Beanstalk
Fee, fi, o, fum... The children in Codden class have had great fun this week learning about the story Jack and the Beanstalk. They created a beanstalk story map to help retell the story and added key words and phrases using the letters and sounds that they have learnt. They then acted out the story in sequence using lots of expression in their voices.
The children planted their own bean seeds and learnt how to help them germinate by keeping them wet and warm. We can't wait to watch them grow.
In Maths the children have learnt about 3D shapes, the looked carefully to see what 2D shapes they could see on the 3D shape faces, matched 3D mathematical shapes to real life objects and made 3d shapes using magnetic construction.
Shrove Tuesday
This week the children enjoyed learning about Shrove Tuesday. We read the story Mr Wolf's Pancakes, the children wrote instructions for how to cook pancakes and enjoyed tasting them and spreading different toppings on the top. The children designed an obstacle course and had great fun taking part in pancake races and practiced tossing and catching a pancake in a pan! Well done to everyone for making such an effort to dress up for World Book Day we loved reading and hearing all about your favourite books.
Little Red Riding Hood 24.01.25
This week the children have had great fun acting out the story of Little Red Riding Hood. They loved dressing up in costumes and retold the story in sequence using words and phrases from the story.
10.01.25 - The Gingerbread Man
Happy New Year! This week the children have enjoyed reading the Gingerbread Man Story. They have acted out the story using small world and tried hard to use story language in their retelling. The children acted out the story and wrote speech bubbles for the characters. The children strengthened the muscles in their hands by creating loose part gingerbread men.