This week, the children have used all of their learning in English to write the first part of their ‘Justino’ stories – they have used different types of past tenses, used semi-colons and created atmosphere and images using simile and personification. In maths, the children have been solving addition and subtraction problems, using both mental and written methods. In science, the children have been answering their own questions about parachutes – changing the size of canopy, the length of the strings or the weight of the object.
The children have asked if they can do a ‘Secret Santa’ next week. To take part, please send in a chocolate/sweet gift up to the value of £1.50. It must be wrapped and unnamed.
Reading Homework - Chapter 2 of Angela and the Baby Jesus
Read the next section (find below).
Summarise what happens in a single sentence. Write your sentence on a post-it to add to the classroom wall.
Please see home learning section for maths tasks!
In English, the children have been learning about using semi-colons to mark independent clauses in their writing. They have pretended to be a character from a Christmas advert, and have used what they have noticed to write a letter, trying hard to use different verb forms to create variety in sentence construction. The children have completed their maths unit about decimals, fractions and percentages. In art we have been creating texture using pencil crayons and pastels to develop our drawing skills in the style of David Hockney.
Very well done to those of you who completed your reading and maths home learning last week!
This week we have started learning about writing to create atmosphere and feeling. We have been learning about percentages in maths and finding out how to calculate the percentage of a number. In history we have learnt about Boudicca and researched about gladiators.
Please see below for our superbly published Haiku volcano poems.
We have been writing Haiku poetry about volcanoes – the children have had to really select words carefully to ensure they had the correct number of syllables. In maths we have been changing fractions to decimals and ordering on a number line. We have been investigating air resistance by making parachutes; from this we have developed our own questions to ask and investigate. The children have had a great time recording their news reports about the eruption of the volcano - Vesuvius. Please see photos below.
We also had a visit from a librarian to remind the children about the fantastic library in Barnstaple and to encourage them to join.
News: Please wear your PE kit on Monday next week (not Friday).
The children have chosen to publish their explanation texts – there are photos of their super work below. In maths we have been learning about improper fractions and mixed numbers. We have learnt about how volcanoes are created, and watched a video about the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, in preparation to create an eye-witness news report.
Reading Home Learning
We expect everyone to be reading for at least five minutes every day. Please record your reading in your home learning book.
Read the next chapter of our class novel. You will find it below
In one word describe something about Fazar’s character and then give evidence from the text to support your description. Write your answer on a post-it note or a small piece of paper to add to a class display.
The children have written some super explanation texts about their own topics – their handwriting and sentence structures have really improved. In maths we have been comparing and ordering fractions. We have designed our own Roman baths, using our learning from our trip to Bath. We have furthered our understanding of the Earth’s layers, by composing music to represent them – we will continue with this next week. Also, we have been plotting the position of volcanoes on a map of the world and linking this to tectonic plates.
What a great ending to the half term with our visit to the Roman Baths! The children enjoyed visiting the museum and continuing their learning with hands on workshops – see the photos below!
We have been writing explanation texts about why the Roman Army were such an amazing force. In maths, we have continued to learn about equivalent fractions and have begun to compare fractions. We began our geography learning by creating a model of the earth to learn about the different layers below the crust.
Home learning
Reading - We expect everyone to be reading for at least five minutes every day. Please record your reading in your home learning book.
Read a complete book over half term – write a book recommendation to share in class after half term this can be in any form you like; include art work or writing or both!
English - Think carefully about what you are going to write about for your own explanation text after half term. In class we talked about maybe writing about a sport you enjoy or about a different historical period. Do some research if you need to? Remember that the more you know, the easier it will be to write your text.
Times Tables - Learn the 4 times table and continue with the 8 times table. What do you notice about the answers in these times tables?
This week we have started learning about fractions in maths. In English, we have been looking at the features of introductions in non-fiction texts, using the passive voice and writing multi-clause sentences. We have researched about the Roman Army to find the reasons why they were so successful, including looking at road building by the soldiers. We all enjoyed the visit from a brass trio, who not only performed, but also taught the children about the history of brass instruments and how they are played.
Well done to the Y6 school council children who have been putting in lots of effort to plan fundraising activities, tidying the PE shed and planning art events.
On Thursday we will be visiting Bath. After paying, please ensure you have completed the form on Eduspot with your contact details. We will be leaving school at 6.45am so please make sure you are at school by 6:40am. The children must wear school uniform.
The children have been learning about features of explanation texts as we have started our new unit based on the text ‘How Stuff Really Works’. In maths we have been comparing measurements with mixed units and solving word problems. We have planned our own electricity investigations and some of the class have started to carry them out and record results. In history we have learnt about the weapons that Roman Soldiers carried. The children had to rank them in order as to how useful they thought they were.
All of the children ran brilliantly at the cross country race at Park School. I was very impressed with their sportsmanship and how they cheered each other on. Super effort by all!
This week we have been familiarising ourselves with our Literacy text-‘The Tear Thief’. We have been ‘hot-seating’ the main character and investigating how the author uses adverbials. In maths, we have been looking at 6 and 7 digit numbers represented in different images to help us deepen our understanding of place-value. We have re-visited previous learning on Electricity in preparation to start this topic and we have looked at the Roman Empire and compared it to today’s map of Europe.
We are super-impressed with how the children have had a go at learning their 7 times table – brilliant effort and result!
It’s been another super busy week in Lundy Class!
The children were fantastic at Harvest Festival; they sang beautifully, performed their parts brilliantly and behaved superbly – really well done Lundy Class!
In class, the children have written their own stories about a thief – they were really focused and you could hear a pin drop in class as they were writing. (See photos below). In maths we have begun to learn about converting measurements of length. We have learnt about variables in science experiments, and in history have been finding out about the Roman Invasions of Britain.
Next week on Wednesday the whole class are going to Park School for the Cross Country – please wear your PE kit. See the email you will have been sent about what you need.
Do not wear your PE kit on Friday.
This week we have begun planning a story based on the Tear Thief. The children have acted out scenes and developed descriptive phrases to support their writing. In maths, we have been looking at decimal numbers and learning about their value to help us order them. We have created circuits and investigated how to make a switch. We had a ‘Roman’ visitor in class, who came wearing a toga - the children learnt about why the Romans wanted to expand their empire.
Well done Y6 for taking such pride and care with your school council posters – you should all be very proud of yourselves. Please see photos below.
Great effort Lundy Class with your reading last week – let’s see if we can get even more of you reading five times this week!
Please find home learning reading below.
This week the children have settled very well back into school. They have re- newed friendships, worked as a team and learnt new routines. The children have all made a fantastic start to their learning; in maths we have started looking at place value and in English the children have been reading a new story by our visiting author. We have been learning some French and finding out about the countries of Europe.
Our PE day is Friday, so please come to school dressed in your PE kit. You will need to bring a waterproof coat each week, as we will do PE outside, if possible!
Home Learning
We expect everyone to be reading at least five times a week. Please see the front of your home learning book for the expectations.
Reading Job
Please read the chapter from ‘The Great Fox Illusion’, in the box below, then write about what you think will happen next in your home learning book. By reading this, you can sign one of your days too!
Times tables
Please learn your 7 times table for a test next week.